Save time from manually grading exams, and discover ways of automating marking and certification steps.
Define custom grade boundaries, including pass/fail grades or specific levels. Grades are automatically calculated to save you time, and can be used to automate any retake or certification workflows.
Create custom weighted questions worth different points. Introduce negative points for incorrect answers to prevent users from guessing, and partial points for partially correct answers.
Add general or personalized feedback for a candidates’ answer. Feedback can include written explanations, links to further reading, and summary videos to help candidates learn how they can improve their knowledge
Multiple-choice questions are automatically graded to reduce your marking workload. Assign custom points for correct answers, negative points for incorrect answers, and partial points for multi-correct, and our platform will instantaneously calculate the overall score.
Clearly outline your grading criteria by defining a marking rubric. Teachers can easily evaluate and award credits for different categories in written assessments. This helps assessors and candidates gain insight into areas that have gained and lost points.
Help your candidates excel by providing personalized feedback per question. This encourages learners to develop a deeper understanding into why they have lost the points, and discover how to improve for the future.
Instantly mark multiple-choice questions and share results for immediate feedback. Empower learners with detailed insights to reinforce knowledge and address misconceptions in real-time.
Designate custom messages to display automatically on the results page in different circumstances e.g. when a candidate has passed, failed with retakes remaining, or failed their final retake attempt. This provides actionable next steps straight away, so candidates don’t have to wait.
Award branded certificates to candidates that pass as part of their accreditation process. Choose a custom design or one of Synap’s modern templates. Additional options to assign expiry dates and a QR code help validate the authenticity of the certificate, whilst keeping it secure.